
In today’s fast-paced airline industry, speed to market can make or break competitive advantage. Nowhere is this more evident than in the adoption of New Distribution Capability (NDC), a standard that’s reshaping airline retailing. Now, we bet when you hear “NDC integration,” you’re thinking, “Great, another years-long project that’ll eat up all our resources.” And honestly, you’re not wrong. That’s been the reality for a lot of airlines. Months stretching into years, teams stretched thin, and a whole lot of headaches along the way.  

While over 70 airlines have already begun distribution transformation, from NDC to Offer and Order Management (Source: IATA), 200+ are yet to begin! If you are one of those airlines, we would love to understand what is holding you back. Here’s what we see: 

The NDC Integration Challenge
Adoption of modern retailing practices through NDC has historically been a complex, time-consuming process for airlines. There are many reasons: 

  • Technical Complexity: Integrating NDC requires integration with legacy systems which can have its own hurdles.
  • Resource Constraints: Many airlines lack the in-house expertise to manage a full implementation.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: Coordinating across various departments and external partners can be time-consuming.
  • Customization Needs: Each airline’s unique requirements can extend the integration timeline.

These factors have led to slower decision making on adoption or implementation timelines that can stretch into years, delaying the benefits of modern airline retailing and putting carriers at a competitive disadvantage. But what if we told you that it doesn’t have to be this way? That there is a way to dramatically accelerate this process?  

The Need for Speed
In an industry where agility is key, such lengthy implementation timelines are no longer acceptable. Airlines need solutions that can: 

  1. Rapidly deploy NDC capabilities 
  2. Adapt to airline requirements 
  3. Integrate seamlessly with multi-PSS 
  4. Provide training and ongoing support  
  5. Continuously innovate for new functionalities

Enter Astra
This is where things get exciting. Imagine going from “We should probably look into it” to “We’re live with NDC” in weeks instead of years. Sounds too good to be true? Well, buckle up, because that’s exactly what Astra is offering. 

How Astra Accelerates NDC Adoption: 

  1. Modular Deployment: Astra’s modular architecture allows for swift implementation, enabling airlines to go live with core NDC functionalities quickly. 
  2. NDC Expertise: With years of our deep industry knowledge baked in, Astra eliminates the need for airlines to build NDC expertise from scratch. 
  3. Multi-PSS Integration: Integrations with major Passenger Service Systems (PSS) significantly reduce implementation time. 
  4. Community-Driven Innovation: Leveraging a community model, Astra continuously evolves, incorporating new functionalities and best practices from across the industry. 
  5. Rapid Value Realization: From contract closure to full implementation, Astra’s streamlined process ensures airlines start seeing benefits in weeks, not months or years. 
  6. No Contract Ping Pong: Say goodbye to months of contract back-and-forth. We’ve streamlined the process so you can get from handshake to takeoff in record time. 

The Astra Advantage
Astra has already proven its worth, enabling airline customers to realize value faster through continuous innovation and new functionalities. As the platform evolves, it’s set to bring even more benefits to airline partners, including expanded third-party ancillaries and improved group booking capabilities. 

“By strengthening our cooperation with our technology partner TPConnects, we have been able to take an agile approach, delivering speed to market with this NDC agent portal.”
Jenni Suomela
VP – Channel Management, Finnair

Addressing Your Real Concerns

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “This sounds great, but what about my specific needs?” Let’s tackle some of the concerns we hear from airlines just like yours: 

“I want to reduce distribution costs and increase revenue.” 

Here’s the thing: NDC isn’t just a tech upgrade. With Astra’s rapid NDC implementation, you’re not just cutting costs by streamlining your distribution. You’re opening up new revenue streams faster. Think better offers, ancillary upselling, and the ability to showcase your products in ways that traditional systems just can’t match. 

“I need to convince our agencies that this new system is up to scratch.” 

The challenge of keeping your partners happy while evolving your tech is real. Astra comes with user-friendly interface and robust capabilities make it easy for agencies to adapt. We provide comprehensive training and support, ensuring your agencies are not just on board, but excited about the new possibilities NDC opens up for them. 

With Astra, you’re not choosing between your goals and your partnerships. The improved content, easier upsells, and smoother booking process mean your agencies aren’t just accepting the change – they’re embracing it. It’s a win-win that your bottom line and your partners will love. 

The Astra Advantage: Speed Meets Substance
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